Bouquet Packages

This bouquet may cause excessive romance, spontaneous proposals, and irreversible love.

Velvety long stem roses, wrapped beautifully with your customizations; creating a truly one of a kind bouquet. The stunning arrangement that exudes elegance and most importantly, LOVE!.


Choose between our 4 bouquets: 50, 72, 100, and 150 long-stemmed roses in your colors of choice.

“Roses, not ramen! Cheap isn’t romantic-ROSES ARE!!”

PS: Don’t forget to book your hotel decorating package to elevate your special occasion. Click Here

“Kiss Me” Bouquet

50 Roses


  • 50 long stem roses (Choose 1-2 Colors)

  • Elegant wrapping in your choice of up to 2 colors

  • Enchanting options to customize your bouquet further by adding glitter, customized message sash, crowns, diamonds, pearls, and bows

“Art of Seduction" Bouquet

72 Roses


  • 72 long stem roses (Choose 1-3 Colors)

  • Elegant wrapping in your choice of up to 2 colors

  • Enchanting options to customize your bouquet further by adding glitter, customized message sash, crowns, diamonds, pearls, and bows

“Eternal Love” Bouquet

100 Roses


  • 100 long stem roses (Choose 1-3 Colors)

  • Elegant wrapping in your choice of up to 2 colors

  • Enchanting options to customize your bouquet further by adding glitter, customized message sash, crowns, diamonds, pearls, and bows

  • Free delivery (within the Portland Metro)

“Opulent Luxe” Bouquet

150 Roses


  • 150 long stem roses (Choose 1-4 Colors)

  • Elegant wrapping in your choice of up to 2 colors

  • Enchanting options to customize your bouquet further by adding glitter, customized message sash, crowns, diamonds, pearls, and bows

  • Free delivery (within the Portland Metro)