Ultimate Roses Bouquet


This bouquet may cause excessive romance, spontaneous proposals, and irreversible love.

Fresh roses, wrapped beautifully with your customizations; creating a truly one of a kind bouquet. The stunning arrangement that exudes elegance and most importantly, love!.


  • Choose between 50, 72, 100, and 150 long-stemmed roses in your colors of choice.

  • Customize your roses with a list of add-ons.

  • Choose your wrapping colors.

“Roses, not ramen! Cheap isn’t romantic-ROSES ARE!!”

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This bouquet may cause excessive romance, spontaneous proposals, and irreversible love.

Fresh roses, wrapped beautifully with your customizations; creating a truly one of a kind bouquet. The stunning arrangement that exudes elegance and most importantly, love!.


  • Choose between 50, 72, 100, and 150 long-stemmed roses in your colors of choice.

  • Customize your roses with a list of add-ons.

  • Choose your wrapping colors.

“Roses, not ramen! Cheap isn’t romantic-ROSES ARE!!”

This bouquet may cause excessive romance, spontaneous proposals, and irreversible love.

Fresh roses, wrapped beautifully with your customizations; creating a truly one of a kind bouquet. The stunning arrangement that exudes elegance and most importantly, love!.


  • Choose between 50, 72, 100, and 150 long-stemmed roses in your colors of choice.

  • Customize your roses with a list of add-ons.

  • Choose your wrapping colors.

“Roses, not ramen! Cheap isn’t romantic-ROSES ARE!!”